Current Occupant

drawings, Illustration, mail

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began I have been culling my lived experiences for ways to connect to strangers. Practicing social distancing, my part time jobs shuttered or cancelled, sheltering in place, and the necessity of confronting financial precariousness has provoked me into active reminiscing, and reflecting on the places I have lived and how each place affected my sense of stability. Perhaps I am simply missing places and people more acutely now that I do not have access to them. Although I certainly wish to see family and friends in person again, phone and video calls allow me to connect with them meaningfully. What I realized is strikingly absent, is the opportunity for me to be a stranger to someone. My effort to recover (or replenish?) these encounters is called Current Occupant. The project begins with hand drawing my memory of each residence I have lived in. This image and a letter was then sent to the current occupant of each address, a complete stranger to me. The endeavor is an offering,  an autobiography, a memory palace, and an ode to that which exists only in memories.

Each original drawing is 6 x 8 inches, ink on bristol.

A handmade artists book of this project is available here.

Click on each image to read more about each residence.


Resolution Buttons

drawings, Illustration

Archival Prints in Metal Pin-backs with Mylar Covers, 2012-ongoing

Resolution Buttons are an annual drawing project I’ve been doing since 2012 in my effort to draw the things we wanted to see/have/do in the future. The past buttons become an archive of what was happening, what we worked on and a record of what we think we needed. Reviewing the past, I like to remember when that past moment was the future. The hopeful trajectory of the project is about recognizing a sense of resolve in moving f o r w a r d —–> and spending some time identifying what you need to get you going to where you want to be.

I consider each drawing a talisman to manifest the future, or to refine the present. Their meanings change as our needs and desires change. I love giving them to people and hearing the interpretations that different people have of each image. In this way, the project becomes a marker of what each recipient considered important to them each year.

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2018 Resolution Calendar

The Postcard Machine

drawings, Illustration, The Postcard Machine

Video by Felix Jung

The Postcard Machine (Possibly from the Future) was first constructed in 2006 out of a giant cardboard box at McMurdo Station Antarctica, for the annual McMurdo Craft Fair. It is now made from marine canvas and has traveled between both coasts in the US, most recently at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts where visitors were invited to spin the dial to receive a postcard, or create postcards of their own:


It is a vending machine, a social experiment, and an art project. I sometimes consider it my sketchbook. Postcards are frequently screenprinted on discarded paper backed with cardstock from my household recyclables. Here are some samples of postcards:



List of Postcard Machine Appearances:

McMurdo Alternative Art Gallery, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Renegade Craft Fair (San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles), North Beach Art Walk (SF), Beyond Eden Art Fair (LA), Maker Faire (San Mateo, CA), Chikoko Bizarre Bazaar (Chico, CA), Manifesto Gallery (SF), Oakland First Friday 2007, American Craft Council Show (SF), Handmade Nation (the movie), on the street in Jack Kerouac Alley (SF), Powell’s Books (As Candy Machine), Heath Ceramics (As Candy Machine) (SF), Treasure Island Music Festival, University of California – Berkeley.

A Passage from Proust

drawings, Illustration

Ink and Colored Pencil on Paper, 2015

I had the special privilege to illustrate and hand letter a passage from Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time in honor of the book which was read nightly, aloud, throughout a pregnancy in preparation for a daughter to be born. A beautiful girl she is!

Riffing on the linden blossom tea and the time of year (nearing July) I made a fireworks display of linden leaves and blossoms to loosely frame an oval of text.


blue bottle coffee, drawings, Illustration

I started working in the office at Blue Bottle in 2007 and over the course of seven years wore many hats: Office Manager, Bookkeeper, Production Artist. During my time there my illustrations were used throughout the company: in-house events, point of sale signage, retail merchandise, a coloring book and in 2012 in The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee (published by Ten Speed Press.) Although I’m not a fixture in the office anymore, I still do illustration for Blue Bottle Coffee. Here are some examples of the work. More on view throughout too!